Centra Showroom 1.44.0

Released on 6 of March

🥝 Added
  • Additional loading messages have been added to the loading screen.
♻️ Changed
  • Delivery windows are not displayed in place of the variant name in size charts anymore. To achieve consistent user experience, delivery window will always be displayed in separate tables.
🐛 Fixed
  • Jumping filter's width in the order sheet list has been fixed.
  • Last modified date in order summary is now not displayed if it's not set.
  • The issue with total variant price in size chart on product details page not being calculated has been fixed.
  • Bug with the call to action bar appearing in lookbook has been fixed and the bar is now removed from this page.
  • The issue with columns hiding in order sheet list table when changing the buyer in Create order sheet popup has been fixed.
  • The bug with arrow missing in Order Summary has been fixed.

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Next article: Centra 2.47.0