Centra Showroom 1.47.0
Released on 17 of April
🥝 Added
- Account and buyer information is now being displayed in order summary.
- Option to export order data in Excel and CSV has been added to order summary page.
🐛 Fixed
- Displaying preferred shipping date and cancel date has been fixed.
- Issue with inputing values into 2-dimensional size chart has been fixed.
- Order quantities are now being updated after failed checkout.
- The same checkbox is now being used in Order Sheet list Column controls as in the list.
- Select units page matrixes have been adjusted to look better on smaller screens.
- Preferred shipping and cancel dates are now displayed correctly for orders that are not going to be split by delivery window.
- Pagination has been implemented instead of lazy loading on Order sheet list page.
- The issue with order loader being always visible when selecting currently open order from order select popup has been fixed.