Email Service Providers in Wholesale
About this article
In this guide, we will walk through our transition from Centra's fallback email to integrating with various ESPs (Klaviyo, Voyado, Rule). By the end, you’ll understand how to configure and optimize your email processes using alternative ESPs, ensuring your emails align with your brand and reach your buyers effectively.
Centra Emails Overview
Centra allows you to send various types of emails from different parts of the platform. Below, you'll find a breakdown of the emails you can send and the configurations available:
Common Ways to Trigger Emails
- For a given account: Emails can be sent from the Wholesale > Account view by either clicking "Send email" or by scrolling to the buyer’s section and selecting "Send email" there.
- For a given buyer: Similar steps as above, ensuring the targeted buyer receives the email.
- For orders: The "Send email" modal can also be triggered from Wholesale > Orders > Order > Account Info.
Detailed Email Breakdown
To achieve clarity and ease of use, each email type has its own distinct section. This includes details on setup, triggers, and technical information to help you navigate Centra’s email system seamlessly:
Welcome to Showroom
- EmailType: buyer_created
- EmailType Class: src/Centra/Email/BuyerCreated.php
- Trigger: Sent when a new buyer is created in the Showroom/AMS.
This email is sent when a new buyer is created in Showroom/AMS:
This email contains a link to the Showroom where the Buyer setup a new password. Depending on the configuration, the "Welcome to Showroom" email can be automatically sent upon buyer creation, as per the store settings:
- Yes
- No
- Only when created in Showroom
The "Welcome to Showroom" email in Centra, while functional, can be enhanced with customization. Incorporating unique selling points (USPs) and brand elements transforms it from a generic notification into a powerful marketing tool. As this email often serves as the first touchpoint for buyers, personalizing it helps create a positive and memorable impression. With Centra’s customization options, businesses can better align the email with their brand identity, enhancing buyer engagement.
- Rule payload example
"apikey": "....",
"update_on_duplicate": true,
"auto_create_tags": true,
"auto_create_fields": true,
"async": true,
"tags": [
"subscribers": {
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"fields": [
"key": "Buyer.AccountName",
"value": "Miss Berry"
"key": "Buyer.FirstName",
"value": "Hubert"
"key": "Buyer.LastName",
"value": "New"
"key": "Buyer.CompanyName",
"value": "Centra QA!"
"key": "Buyer.WelcomeLink",
"value": ""
"key": "Subscriber.Source",
"value": "CentraRule"
"automation": "reset"
- Klaviyo payload example
"Account": {
"Id": 3,
"Name": "Miss Berry"
"Name": "Damian",
"Surname": "Paszkowski",
"Company": "Centra QA!",
"PasswordCreateLink": ""
- Voyado payload example
"accountName": "Miss Berry",
"companyName": "Centra QA!",
"setPasswordLinkHTML": ""
Buyer reset password (Showroom)
- EmailType: forgot_email
- EmailType Class: src/Centra/Email/ForgotPassword.php
- Trigger: Activated when the user (buyer or seller) clicks "Forgot Your Password?" on the login page or via the “Send Email” function by selecting the "Forgot Password" template.
This email contains a link to Showroom when the Buyer/Seller can create new password
The email is triggered when a user clicks on “Forgot Your Password?” on the showroom login page:
or it can be triggered manually using the “Send Email” function selecting “Forgot Password” in the email templates.
- Rule payload example
"apikey": "....",
"update_on_duplicate": true,
"auto_create_tags": true,
"auto_create_fields": true,
"async": true,
"tags": [
"subscribers": {
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"fields": [
"key": "Customer.Firstname",
"value": "Hubert"
"key": "Customer.Lastname",
"value": "New"
"key": "Customer.Language",
"value": "en"
"key": "Customer.Tele",
"value": "512345123"
"key": "Customer.City",
"value": "Opole"
"key": "Customer.Country",
"value": "Poland"
"key": "Customer.Zipcode",
"value": "50-079"
"key": "Customer.Address1",
"value": "pl. Jana Pawla II"
"key": "Customer.Address2",
"value": ""
"key": "Customer.PasswordRestoreLink",
"value": ""
"key": "Subscriber.Source",
"value": "CentraRule"
"automation": "reset"
- Klaviyo payload example
"PasswordResetLink": ""
- Voyado payload example
"passwordRestoreLinkHTML": "",
"firstName": "Hubert",
"lastName": "Voyado"
Order receipt
- Email Type: order
- Email Type Class: src/Centra/Email/OrderReceipt.php
- Trigger: Sent when an order is created.
This email is sent upon order creation and includes information about the order and its items, as well as the recipient. It may also contain details about the sales representative and include a PDF attachment.
The Store settings allow control over enable or disable the receipt:
With the option to add PDF attachments with order details are included
It’s possible to bypass these settings, selecting Yes or No in Send order receipt on the buyer level settings:
- Klaviyo payload example
"OrderId": "11592",
"CustomerCurrency": "DKK",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8690.00",
"TaxAmount": "318.85",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "2379.13",
"Categories": [
"ItemNames": [
"Variants sorted by custom attributes"
"Brands": [
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"Items": [
"ProductID": 1687,
"SKU": "435234592341",
"ProductName": "Variants sorted by custom attributes",
"Quantity": 32,
"GTIN": "",
"EAN": "",
"UPC": "",
"Size": "M PL",
"VariantName": "Classic | Cut away | French",
"GrossPaidPrice": "1157.93",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8640.00",
"OriginalPrice": "1157.93",
"OriginalPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8640.00",
"GrossPaidPricePerUnit": "36.19",
"GrossPaidPricePerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "270.00",
"ProductURL": "",
"ImageURL": "",
"Categories": [
"Brand": "Eton",
"Comment": "",
"TaxAmount": "318.85",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "2379.13",
"TaxPercent": "38.00",
"Discounted": false,
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"ProductType": "product",
"RrpPerUnit": "0.00",
"RrpPerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"BillingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Miss Berry",
"Address1": "pl. Jana Pawla II",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Opole",
"Region": "",
"RegionCode": "",
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": "",
"Zip": "50-079",
"Phone": "512345123",
"Email": ""
"ShippingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Dam",
"Address1": "Wro test",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Wro",
"Region": "New Mexico",
"RegionCode": "NM",
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "US",
"Zip": "12303",
"Phone": "",
"Email": ""
"Shipping": {
"Method": "Pre-filled Service Pre-filled DHL",
"Service": "Pre-filled Service",
"Carrier": "Pre-filled DHL",
"CentraShippingMethod": "",
"Cost": "6.70",
"CostInCustomerCurrency": "50.00",
"TaxAmount": "0.00",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"MethodForPayment": "Invoice",
"CreatedDate": "2024-07-09 09:44:36",
"OrderType": "One-time Purchase",
"PONumber": "voyado test",
"OrderUrl": "",
"DeliveryWindow": "Kacper\\\\\\\'s delwin",
"SalesRepresentatives": [
"Id": 13,
"Name": "Huberts sales representative"
"TermsOfPayment": "Prepayment 30%",
"TermsOfDelivery": "Miss Berry Shipping Term",
"Collection": "",
"Account": {
"Id": 3,
"Name": "Miss Berry"
- Rule payload example
"apikey": "....",
"update_on_duplicate": true,
"auto_create_tags": true,
"auto_create_fields": true,
"async": true,
"tags": [
"subscribers": {
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"fields": [
"key": "Order.Number",
"value": 13126
"key": "Order.Firstname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Lastname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Currency",
"value": "DKK"
"key": "Address.Firstname",
"value": ""
"key": "Address.Lastname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Street",
"value": "Wro test2"
"key": "Order.City",
"value": "Wro"
"key": "Order.Zipcode",
"value": "12303"
"key": "Order.State",
"value": "GB-WLS"
"key": "Order.Country",
"value": "United Kingdom"
"key": "Order.Company",
"value": "Dam"
"key": "Order.Tele",
"value": ""
"key": "Address.Street",
"value": "Wro test2"
"key": "Address.City",
"value": "Wro"
"key": "Address.Zipcode",
"value": "12303"
"key": "Address.State",
"value": "GB-WLS"
"key": "Address.Country",
"value": "United Kingdom"
"key": "Address.Company",
"value": "Dam"
"key": "Address.Tele",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Date",
"value": "2024-07-05 14:45:26"
"key": "Customer.Number",
"value": 105
"key": "Customer.Language",
"value": "en"
"key": "Order.Subtotal",
"value": "7 919.22 DKK"
"key": "Order.SubtotalAmount",
"value": "7919.22"
"key": "Order.Discount",
"value": "0.00 DKK"
"key": "Order.DiscountAmount",
"value": "0.00"
"key": "Order.Shipping",
"value": "50.00 DKK"
"key": "Order.ShippingAmount",
"value": "50.00"
"key": "Order.Total",
"value": "7 969.22 DKK"
"key": "Order.TotalAmount",
"value": "7969.22"
"key": "Order.Vat",
"value": "0.00 DKK"
"key": "Order.VatAmount",
"value": "0.00"
"key": "Order.Vatpercent",
"value": "0%"
"key": "Order.PaymentMethod",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.DeliveryMethod",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Subscriber.Source",
"value": "CentraRule"
"key": "Order.Handling",
"value": "0.00 DKK"
"key": "Order.HandlingAmount",
"value": "0.00"
"key": "Order.BillingFirstname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.BillingLastname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.BillingStreet",
"value": "pl. Jana Pawla II"
"key": "Order.BillingCity",
"value": "Opoles"
"key": "Order.BillingZipcode",
"value": "50-079"
"key": "Order.BillingState",
"value": "GB-WLS"
"key": "Order.BillingCountry",
"value": "Italy"
"key": "Order.BillingTele",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.BillingCompany",
"value": "Dam"
"key": "Order.Brands",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Types",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Sizes",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.ProductCount",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.IndividualProductCount",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Names",
"value": [
"GACEK Product 6 Blue"
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Variations",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Collections",
"value": [
"Beautiful 2021"
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Skus",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.DetailSkus",
"value": "[{"prod_sku":"2137","variant_sku":"","size_sku":""}]",
"type": "text"
"key": "Order.Products",
"value": "[{"product":"1906","brand":"Aelfy","name":"GACEK Product 6 Blue, S","uri":"gacek-product-6","sku":"2137","productSku":"2137","brandName":"Aelfy","brandUri":"aelfy","collection":"14","collectionName":"Beautiful 2021","collectionUri":"beautiful2021","variantName":"Multicolour","countryOrigin":"AU","excerpt":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo [url=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"consequat\"]consequat[\/url]. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.","stockUnit":"","category":"60","centraProduct":"566","centraVariant":"2560","categoryName":["Mens Accessories"],"categoryUri":"mens_accessories","createdAt":"2024-05-27 15:53:53","modifiedAt":"2024-07-04 11:21:53","sh_swatch":{"desc":"Stripes","hex":"cokolwiek","image":{"width":"50","mimeType":"image\/jpeg","type":"image","url":"https:\/\/\/client\/dynamic\/attributes\/7f94ea3c91da7dedf987af38d929ee9c_4470_png.jpg","height":"50"}},"body_fit":"body fat ","composition_name":"Composition","design_number_name":"Design number","drop":"June","fit":"test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test ","fit_group":"aaa","gender":"52","google_merchant_color":"Green","material":"wood","material2_product_desc":"Description_new_material2","material2_product_text":"Text2","material2_product_textarea":"Textarea2","material2_variation":[{"id":158,"sel":"0","selMulti":"0","text":"","textarea":"ngfg"},{"id":116,"desc":"area","sel":"bb","selMulti":"aa","text":"text","textarea":"textarea"}],"pattern_test":"Dots","procurement_group":"Test group with long name","sa_color_showroom":"Red","sustainability_text":"1","variant_collection":"Custom variant collection","presets":{"prepacks":[],"distributions":[{"id":"49","isEnforced":false},{"id":"62","isEnforced":false}]},"comment":"","image":"https:\/\/\/client\/dynamic\/images\/566_5b1c65baed-alexey-akulov-ffchpkcfg_o-unsplash.jpg","price":"2 639.74 DKK","priceAmount":"2639.74","qty":"3","subtotal":"7 919.22 DKK","subtotalAmount":"7919.22","size":"S","taxPercent":0,"tax":"0.00 DKK","taxAmount":"0.00","subtotalTax":"0.00 DKK","subtotalTaxAmount":"0.00","priceWithoutTax":"2 639.74 DKK","priceWithoutTaxAmount":"2639.74","subtotalWithoutTax":"7 919.22 DKK","subtotalWithoutTaxAmount":"7919.22"}]"
"automation": "reset"
- Voyado payload example
"contact": {
"matchKey": "",
"matchKeyType": "email"
"orderNumber": "11593",
"createdDate": "2024-07-09T15:34:18+02:00",
"orderStatus": "ORDER_CREATED",
"paymentStatus": "SUCCESS",
"storeId": "wholesale",
"currency": "DKK",
"items": [
"type": "purchase",
"sku": "Product numberVariant number",
"quantity": 5,
"description": "edgy xyz",
"grossPaidPrice": "439.55",
"imageUrl": "",
"targetUrl": "",
"extraData": {
"size": "L PL",
"variation": "Variant 1",
"isSale": true
"discounts": [
"type": "Discount",
"description": "Discount",
"value": "-59.95"
"grossPaidPricePerUnit": "87.91",
"originalPrice": "499.50",
"originalPricePerUnit": "99.90",
"discounted": true,
"taxAmount": "121.04",
"taxPercent": "38.000"
"exchangeRateToGroupCurrency": 0.13402,
"freightFee": {
"value": "0.00",
"tax": "0.00"
"handlingFee": {
"value": "0.00",
"tax": "0.00"
"paymentMethods": [
"type": "Invoice",
"description": "N/A",
"value": "439.55"
"extraData": {
"billingAddressFirstName": "Hubert",
"billingAddressLastName": "Voyado",
"billingAddressStreet": "pl. Jana Pawla II",
"billingAddressStreet2": "",
"billingAddressCity": "Opole",
"billingAddressPostalCode": "50-079",
"billingAddressCountry": null,
"billingAddressCountryCode": null,
"billingAddressState": "",
"billingAddressStateCode": "",
"billingTelephoneNumber": "",
"billingEmail": "",
"shippingAddressFirstName": "Hubert",
"shippingAddressLastName": "Voyado",
"shippingAddressStreet": "Wro test",
"shippingAddressStreet2": "",
"shippingAddressCity": "Wro",
"shippingAddressPostalCode": "12303",
"shippingAddressCountry": "United States",
"shippingAddressCountryCode": "US",
"shippingAddressState": "New Mexico",
"shippingAddressStateCode": "NM",
"shippingTelephoneNumber": "",
"shippingEmail": "",
"additionalMessage": "",
"shippingMethod": "",
"trackingNumber": "",
"trackingLinkHTML": "",
"customerNumber": 376,
"taxDeduction": "0.00",
"orderPlaced": "2024-07-09 15:34:18",
"methodForPayment": "Invoice",
"returnFeeValue": "0.00",
"returnFeeTax": "0.00"
"totalOriginalPrice": "499.50",
"totalGrossPrice": "439.55",
"totalItemsPrice": "439.55",
"anyReturnItems": false,
"taxDetails": [
"description": "38%",
"value": "121.04"
"language": "sv-SE",
"shippingId": "",
"deliveryType": "ship from warehouse"
Order Receipt (Sales Rep Copy): triggered only if the account has a sales representative assigned:
And store setting option "Send order confirmation emails to" is set to “Sales rep” or “Both buyer and sales rep”
- Klaviyo payload example
"OrderId": "11592",
"CustomerCurrency": "DKK",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8690.00",
"TaxAmount": "318.85",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "2379.13",
"Categories": [
"ItemNames": [
"Variants sorted by custom attributes"
"Brands": [
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"Items": [
"ProductID": 1687,
"SKU": "435234592341",
"ProductName": "Variants sorted by custom attributes",
"Quantity": 32,
"GTIN": "",
"EAN": "",
"UPC": "",
"Size": "M PL",
"VariantName": "Classic | Cut away | French",
"GrossPaidPrice": "1157.93",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8640.00",
"OriginalPrice": "1157.93",
"OriginalPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8640.00",
"GrossPaidPricePerUnit": "36.19",
"GrossPaidPricePerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "270.00",
"ProductURL": "",
"ImageURL": "",
"Categories": [
"Brand": "Eton",
"Comment": "",
"TaxAmount": "318.85",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "2379.13",
"TaxPercent": "38.00",
"Discounted": false,
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"ProductType": "product",
"RrpPerUnit": "0.00",
"RrpPerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"BillingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Miss Berry",
"Address1": "pl. Jana Pawla II",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Opole",
"Region": "",
"RegionCode": "",
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": "",
"Zip": "50-079",
"Phone": "512345123",
"Email": ""
"ShippingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Dam",
"Address1": "Wro test",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Wro",
"Region": "New Mexico",
"RegionCode": "NM",
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "US",
"Zip": "12303",
"Phone": "",
"Email": ""
"Shipping": {
"Method": "Pre-filled Service Pre-filled DHL",
"Service": "Pre-filled Service",
"Carrier": "Pre-filled DHL",
"CentraShippingMethod": "",
"Cost": "6.70",
"CostInCustomerCurrency": "50.00",
"TaxAmount": "0.00",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"MethodForPayment": "Invoice",
"CreatedDate": "2024-07-09 09:44:36",
"OrderType": "One-time Purchase",
"PONumber": "voyado test",
"OrderUrl": "",
"DeliveryWindow": "Kacper\\\\\\\'s delwin",
"SalesRepresentatives": [
"Id": 13,
"Name": "Huberts sales representative"
"TermsOfPayment": "Prepayment 30%",
"TermsOfDelivery": "Miss Berry Shipping Term",
"Collection": "",
"Account": {
"Id": 3,
"Name": "Miss Berry"
Order confirmation
- Email Type: order_conf
- Email Type Class: src/Centra/Email/OrderConfirmed.php
- Trigger: Activated when the order status changes to confirmed.
This email is triggered based on store settings “Send order confirmation emails to” configurable to:
- None
- Sales rep
- Buyer
- Both Buyer and Sales Rep
Sent to buyer/sales rep, when the order changes status to confirmed in Centra:
- Klaviyo payload example
"OrderId": "11592",
"CustomerCurrency": "DKK",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8690.00",
"TaxAmount": "318.85",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "2379.13",
"Categories": [
"ItemNames": [
"Variants sorted by custom attributes"
"Brands": [
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"Items": [
"ProductID": 1687,
"SKU": "435234592341",
"ProductName": "Variants sorted by custom attributes",
"Quantity": 32,
"GTIN": "",
"EAN": "",
"UPC": "",
"Size": "M PL",
"VariantName": "Classic | Cut away | French",
"GrossPaidPrice": "1157.93",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8640.00",
"OriginalPrice": "1157.93",
"OriginalPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8640.00",
"GrossPaidPricePerUnit": "36.19",
"GrossPaidPricePerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "270.00",
"ProductURL": "",
"ImageURL": "",
"Categories": [
"Brand": "Eton",
"Comment": "",
"TaxAmount": "318.85",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "2379.13",
"TaxPercent": "38.00",
"Discounted": false,
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"ProductType": "product",
"RrpPerUnit": "0.00",
"RrpPerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"BillingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Miss Berry",
"Address1": "pl. Jana Pawla II",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Opole",
"Region": "",
"RegionCode": "",
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": "",
"Zip": "50-079",
"Phone": "512345123",
"Email": ""
"ShippingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Dam",
"Address1": "Wro test",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Wro",
"Region": "New Mexico",
"RegionCode": "NM",
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "US",
"Zip": "12303",
"Phone": "",
"Email": ""
"Shipping": {
"Method": "Pre-filled Service Pre-filled DHL",
"Service": "Pre-filled Service",
"Carrier": "Pre-filled DHL",
"CentraShippingMethod": "",
"Cost": "6.70",
"CostInCustomerCurrency": "50.00",
"TaxAmount": "0.00",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"MethodForPayment": "Invoice",
"CreatedDate": "2024-07-09 09:47:18",
"PONumber": "voyado test",
"OrderUrl": "",
"DeliveryWindow": "Kacper\\\\\\\'s delwin",
"SalesRepresentatives": [
"Id": 13,
"Name": "Huberts sales representative"
"TermsOfPayment": "Prepayment 30%",
"TermsOfDelivery": "Miss Berry Shipping Term",
"Collection": "",
"Account": {
"Id": 3,
"Name": "Miss Berry"
- Rule payload example
"apikey": ".....",
"update_on_duplicate": true,
"auto_create_tags": true,
"auto_create_fields": true,
"async": true,
"tags": [
"subscribers": {
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"fields": [
"key": "Order.Number",
"value": 13126
"key": "Order.Firstname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Lastname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Currency",
"value": "DKK"
"key": "Address.Firstname",
"value": ""
"key": "Address.Lastname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Street",
"value": "Wro test2"
"key": "Order.City",
"value": "Wro"
"key": "Order.Zipcode",
"value": "12303"
"key": "Order.State",
"value": "GB-WLS"
"key": "Order.Country",
"value": "United Kingdom"
"key": "Order.Company",
"value": "Dam"
"key": "Order.Tele",
"value": ""
"key": "Address.Street",
"value": "Wro test2"
"key": "Address.City",
"value": "Wro"
"key": "Address.Zipcode",
"value": "12303"
"key": "Address.State",
"value": "GB-WLS"
"key": "Address.Country",
"value": "United Kingdom"
"key": "Address.Company",
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- Voyado payload example
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Order confirmation (Sales rep copy): triggered only if the account has a sales representative assigned:
And store setting option "Send order confirmation emails to" is set to:
“Sales rep”
“Both buyer and sales rep”
Klaviyo payload example
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Order shipped
- Email Type: shipment
- Email Type Class: src/Centra/Email/OrderShipped.php
- Trigger: Sent when the order shipment status is updated to "completed."
This email is sent based on store settings “Send shipment confirmation emails to”:
- None
- Sales rep
- Buyer
- Both buyer and sales rep
Ensure the “Email” field in Account > Shipping Address is not empty. This trigger the email when the order shipment status in Centra is updated to "completed”
When manually completing shipment in Centra (Shipment > Shipment info) there’s the possibility to unmail by selecting the option “ Send email to client” set to “No”
- Rule payload example
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- Klaviyo payload example
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- Voyado payload example
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Order shipped (Sales rep copy): Triggered only if the account has a sales representative assigned:
And store setting option if “Send shipment confirmation emails to” is set to:
“Sales rep”
“Both buyer and sales rep”
Klaviyo payload example
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"Comment": "",
"TaxAmount": "9.96",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "74.35",
"TaxPercent": "38.00",
"Discounted": false,
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"ProductType": "product",
"RrpPerUnit": "0.00",
"RrpPerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"ShippingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Dam",
"Address1": "Wro test",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Wro",
"Region": "New Mexico",
"RegionCode": "NM",
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "US",
"Zip": "12303",
"Phone": "",
"Email": ""
"CustomerCurrency": "DKK",
"GrossPaidPrice": "42.89",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "320.00",
"TaxAmount": "9.96",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "74.35",
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"ShippingCost": "6.70",
"ShippingCostInCustomerCurrency": "50.00",
"ShippingTaxAmount": "0.00",
"ShippingTaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"OrderDate": "2024-07-09 11:44:12",
"ShippingMethod": "service generic",
"ShippingService": "service",
"ShippingCarrier": "generic",
"CentraShippingMethod": "",
"TrackingNumber": "tracking#",
"TrackingUrl": "centra.comtracking#",
"PackagesAmount": 0,
"ShippingDate": "2024-07-09 11:51:09",
"MethodForPayment": "Invoice"
Order canceled
- Email Type: cancel
- Email Type Class: src/Centra/Email/OrderCancel.php
- Trigger: Only sent if "Send email to client" is set to Yes when canceling an order.
This email is sent when the user clicks ‘X Cancel’ in the order header. To trigger the email, the option “Send email to client” must be set to “Yes” in the “Cancel Order” pop-up (note that the default setting is “No”). Additional messages can also be added for customization
Note the order canceled email is configured to only be received by the buyer's email address:
- Rule payload example
"apikey": "...",
"update_on_duplicate": true,
"auto_create_tags": true,
"auto_create_fields": true,
"async": true,
"tags": [
"subscribers": {
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"fields": [
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"value": 11563
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"value": ""
"key": "Order.Lastname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Currency",
"value": "DKK"
"key": "Address.Firstname",
"value": ""
"key": "Address.Lastname",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.AdditionalMessage",
"value": "additional message"
"key": "Order.CompanyUrl",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Street",
"value": "Wro test"
"key": "Order.City",
"value": "Wro"
"key": "Order.Zipcode",
"value": "12303"
"key": "Order.State",
"value": "NM"
"key": "Order.Country",
"value": "United States"
"key": "Order.Company",
"value": "Dam"
"key": "Order.Tele",
"value": ""
"key": "Address.Street",
"value": "Wro test"
"key": "Address.City",
"value": "Wro"
"key": "Address.Zipcode",
"value": "12303"
"key": "Address.State",
"value": "NM"
"key": "Address.Country",
"value": "United States"
"key": "Address.Company",
"value": "Dam"
"key": "Address.Tele",
"value": ""
"key": "Order.Date",
"value": "2024-07-08 13:30:09"
"key": "Customer.Number",
"value": 105
"key": "Customer.Language",
"value": "en"
"key": "Order.Subtotal",
"value": "1 758.20 DKK"
"key": "Order.SubtotalAmount",
"value": "1758.20"
"key": "Order.Discount",
"value": "0.00 DKK"
"key": "Order.DiscountAmount",
"value": "0.00"
"key": "Order.Shipping",
"value": "50.00 DKK"
"key": "Order.ShippingAmount",
"value": "50.00"
"key": "Order.Total",
"value": "1 808.20 DKK"
"key": "Order.TotalAmount",
"value": "1808.20"
"key": "Order.Vat",
"value": "484.14 DKK"
"key": "Order.VatAmount",
"value": "484.14"
"key": "Order.Vatpercent",
"value": "38%"
"key": "Order.PaymentMethod",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.DeliveryMethod",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Subscriber.Source",
"value": "CentraRule"
"key": "Order.Brands",
"value": [
"The Edgiest"
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Types",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Sizes",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.ProductCount",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.IndividualProductCount",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Names",
"value": [
"edgy xyz"
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Variations",
"value": [
"Variant 1"
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Collections",
"value": [
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.Skus",
"value": [
"Product number"
"type": "multiple"
"key": "Order.DetailSkus",
"value": "[{"prod_sku":"Product number","variant_sku":"Variant number","size_sku":""}]",
"type": "text"
"key": "Order.Products",
"value": "[{"product":"1346","brand":"The Edgiest","name":"edgy xyz, Variant 1, S","uri":"edgy-xyz","sku":"Product numberVariant number","productSku":"Product number","brandName":"The Edgiest","brandUri":"theedgiest","collection":"0","collectionName":null,"collectionUri":"","variantName":"Variant 1","countryOrigin":null,"excerpt":"","stockUnit":"","category":"31","centraProduct":"400","centraVariant":"2287","categoryName":["Demo products"],"categoryUri":"demo","createdAt":"2022-04-04 12:56:48","modifiedAt":"2023-06-27 11:56:26","sh_swatch":{"desc":"Cold","hex":"","image":{"width":"50","mimeType":"image\/jpeg","type":"image","url":"http:\/\/\/client\/dynamic\/attributes\/windows_live_square_1529_jpeg.jpg","height":"50"}},"body_fit":"classic","configuration":{"primary":"body_fit","secondary":["collar.desc","cuffs.desc"],"names":{"body_fit":"Body fit","collar.desc":"Collar","cuffs.desc":"Cuffs"}},"presets":{"prepacks":[{"id":"53","isEnforced":false}],"distributions":[]},"comment":"","image":"http:\/\/\/client\/dynamic\/images\/400_1eda49bf28-image-5.jpg","price":"87.91 DKK","priceAmount":"87.91","qty":"20","subtotal":"1 758.20 DKK","subtotalAmount":"1758.20","size":"S"}]"
"automation": "reset"
- Klaviyo payload example
"OrderId": "11592",
"CustomerCurrency": "DKK",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8690.00",
"TaxAmount": "318.85",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "2379.13",
"Categories": [
"ItemNames": [
"Variants sorted by custom attributes"
"Brands": [
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"Items": [
"ProductID": 1687,
"SKU": "435234592341",
"ProductName": "Variants sorted by custom attributes",
"Quantity": 32,
"GTIN": "",
"EAN": "",
"UPC": "",
"Size": "M PL",
"VariantName": "Classic | Cut away | French",
"GrossPaidPrice": "1157.93",
"GrossPaidPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8640.00",
"OriginalPrice": "1157.93",
"OriginalPriceInCustomerCurrency": "8640.00",
"GrossPaidPricePerUnit": "36.19",
"GrossPaidPricePerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "270.00",
"ProductURL": "",
"ImageURL": "",
"Categories": [
"Brand": "Eton",
"Comment": "",
"TaxAmount": "318.85",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "2379.13",
"TaxPercent": "38.00",
"Discounted": false,
"DiscountValue": "0.00",
"DiscountValueInCustomerCurrency": "0.00",
"ProductType": "product",
"RrpPerUnit": "0.00",
"RrpPerUnitInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"BillingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Miss Berry",
"Address1": "pl. Jana Pawla II",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Opole",
"Region": "",
"RegionCode": "",
"Country": "Poland",
"CountryCode": "PL",
"Zip": "50-079",
"Phone": "512345123",
"Email": ""
"ShippingAddress": {
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"Company": "Dam",
"Address1": "Wro test",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Wro",
"Region": "New Mexico",
"RegionCode": "NM",
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "US",
"Zip": "12303",
"Phone": "",
"Email": ""
"Shipping": {
"Method": "Pre-filled Service Pre-filled DHL",
"Service": "Pre-filled Service",
"Carrier": "Pre-filled DHL",
"CentraShippingMethod": "",
"Cost": "6.70",
"CostInCustomerCurrency": "50.00",
"TaxAmount": "0.00",
"TaxAmountInCustomerCurrency": "0.00"
"MethodForPayment": "Invoice",
"CreatedDate": "2024-07-09 10:02:42",
"Reason": "additional message"
- Voyado payload example
"contact": {
"matchKey": "",
"matchKeyType": "email"
"orderNumber": "11593",
"createdDate": "2024-07-09T15:34:18+02:00",
"orderStatus": "ORDER_CANCELLED",
"paymentStatus": "SUCCESS",
"storeId": "wholesale",
"currency": "DKK",
"items": [
"type": "purchase",
"sku": "Product numberVariant number",
"quantity": 5,
"description": "edgy xyz",
"grossPaidPrice": "439.55",
"imageUrl": "",
"targetUrl": "",
"extraData": {
"size": "L PL",
"variation": "Variant 1",
"isSale": true
"discounts": [
"type": "Discount",
"description": "Discount",
"value": "-59.95"
"grossPaidPricePerUnit": "87.91",
"originalPrice": "499.50",
"originalPricePerUnit": "99.90",
"discounted": true,
"taxAmount": "121.04",
"taxPercent": "38.000"
"exchangeRateToGroupCurrency": 0.13402,
"freightFee": {
"value": "0.00",
"tax": "0.00"
"handlingFee": {
"value": "0.00",
"tax": "0.00"
"paymentMethods": [
"type": "Invoice",
"description": "N/A",
"value": "439.55"
"extraData": {
"billingAddressFirstName": "Hubert",
"billingAddressLastName": "Voyado",
"billingAddressStreet": "pl. Jana Pawla II",
"billingAddressStreet2": "",
"billingAddressCity": "Opole",
"billingAddressPostalCode": "50-079",
"billingAddressCountry": null,
"billingAddressCountryCode": null,
"billingAddressState": "",
"billingAddressStateCode": "",
"billingTelephoneNumber": "",
"billingEmail": "",
"shippingAddressFirstName": "Hubert",
"shippingAddressLastName": "Voyado",
"shippingAddressStreet": "Wro test",
"shippingAddressStreet2": "",
"shippingAddressCity": "Wro",
"shippingAddressPostalCode": "12303",
"shippingAddressCountry": "United States",
"shippingAddressCountryCode": "US",
"shippingAddressState": "New Mexico",
"shippingAddressStateCode": "NM",
"shippingTelephoneNumber": "",
"shippingEmail": "",
"additionalMessage": "",
"shippingMethod": "",
"trackingNumber": "",
"trackingLinkHTML": "",
"customerNumber": 376,
"taxDeduction": "0.00",
"orderPlaced": "2024-07-09 15:34:18",
"methodForPayment": "Invoice",
"returnFeeValue": "0.00",
"returnFeeTax": "0.00"
"totalOriginalPrice": "499.50",
"totalGrossPrice": "439.55",
"totalItemsPrice": "439.55",
"anyReturnItems": false,
"taxDetails": [
"description": "38%",
"value": "121.04"
"language": "sv-SE",
"shippingId": "",
"deliveryType": "ship from warehouse"
- Email Type: invoice
- Email Type Class: src/Centra/Email/InvoiceEmail.php
- Usage: Can be sent during prepayment invoice creation, shipment invoicing, or manually via Wholesale > Orders > Payment Information.
This email is sent when creating a prepayment invoice. To do so, navigate to: WHOLESALE > ORDERS > ORDER > Payment Information > Prepay Invoice.
In the "Create Prepayment Invoice" modal, set Send E-mail Invoice to Yes. This will trigger the email containing the prepayment invoice details.
To add a new invoice manually, go to Invoices > Create Invoice. Ensure that you set Send E-mail Invoice to Yes in the form, as this option defaults to No. If a sales representative is selected in this modal, the email will also be sent to the sales rep. You can also customize the message in the Message field, which is populated from the static, to read more about how to navigate static, click here.
Adding invoice to Shipment When adding an invoice to a shipment, ensure that the Invoice Address > Email field in the modal is filled in. If the account does not have an invoice email address saved, this field will appear empty. Additionally, if a sales representative is selected in this modal, they will also receive the email.
Note: You can send emails by clicking "Send email” on the Invoice details page by choosing it in the “Send email” modal. It can also be sent from various places in Centra, like the Order page, Invoice page, or Account page, as long as the invoice is already created.
- Rule payload example
"apikey": "...",
"update_on_duplicate": true,
"auto_create_tags": true,
"auto_create_fields": true,
"async": true,
"tags": [
"subscribers": {
"email": "",
"language": "en",
"fields": [
"key": "Invoice.Id",
"value": 503
"key": "Invoice.OrderNumber",
"value": 503321
"key": "Invoice.Link",
"value": ""
"key": "Invoice.PayLink",
"value": ""
"key": "Invoice.Date",
"value": "08 July, 2024 - 14:26"
"key": "Invoice.Name",
"value": "Hubert Zapau0142a"
"key": "Invoice.Company",
"value": ""
"key": "Invoice.PoNumber",
"value": ""
"key": "Invoice.Type",
"value": "invoice"
"key": "Invoice.CustomMessage",
"value": "===================================================================nINVOICEn===================================================================n08 July, 2024 - 14:26nnDear Hubert Zapau0142a,nHere's your invoice. Please download it from the link below.nnhttp:// you have any questions about this invoice, please feel free to mail us at EMAILnnSincerely,nShowroom"
"key": "Invoice.Items",
"value": "[]"
"key": "Account.BuyerId",
"value": 354
"key": "Account.BuyerName",
"value": "Hubert"
"key": "Account.BuyerSurname",
"value": "Zapau0142a"
"key": "Account.Id",
"value": 197
"key": "Account.CompanyName",
"value": ""
"key": "Subscriber.Source",
"value": "CentraRule"
- Klaviyo payload example
"OrderId": "312223",
"Account": {
"buyerId": 374,
"accountId": 3,
"buyerName": "Hubert",
"buyerSurname": "New",
"companyName": ""
"Items": [
"productId": 443,
"variantId": 2379,
"productNumber": "43523459234",
"productBrand": "Eton",
"productName": "Variants sorted by custom attributes",
"productVariant": "Classic | Cut away | French",
"productSize": "M",
"count": 1,
"originPrice": "195.65",
"price": "195.65",
"tax": "38.00",
"currencyISO": "DKK"
"InvoiceId": 510,
"Link": "",
"PayLink": "",
"Date": "09 July, 2024 - 12:03",
"Name": "Jagoda Przybyla",
"Company": "Miss Berry",
"PoNumber": "voyado test",
"DocumentType": "invoice",
"CustomMessage": "===================================================================nINVOICEn===================================================================n09 July, 2024 - 12:03nnDear Jagoda Przybyla,nHere's your invoice. Please download it from the link below.nn%linkn%paylinknnIf you have any questions about this invoice, please feel free to mail us at EMAILnnSincerely,nShowroom",
"CreatedDate": "2024-07-09 10:03:48"
- Voyado payload example
"invoiceLinkHTML": "",
"payLinkHTML": "",
"invoiceId": 513,
"orderNumber": null,
"date": "09 July, 2024 - 15:42",
"name": "Jagoda Przybyla",
"company": "Miss Berry",
"poNumber": "",
"type": "invoice",
"customMessage": "custom message",
"account": {
"buyerId": 376,
"accountId": 3,
"buyerName": "Hubert",
"buyerSurname": "Voyado",
"companyName": ""
"items": [
"productId": 400,
"variantId": 2287,
"productNumber": "Product number",
"productBrand": "The Edgiest",
"productName": "edgy xyz",
"productVariant": "Variant 1",
"productSize": "L",
"count": 1,
"originPrice": "72.39",
"price": "63.70",
"tax": "38.00",
"currencyISO": "DKK"
Emails vs ESPs
Email type | Email type | Fallback template | Klaviyo | Rule | Voyage |
Welcome to Showroom | buyer_created | ✅Created Buyer | ✅tag: BuyerRegistered | ✅custom trigger WELCOME_TO_SHOWROOM | |
Buyer reset password (Showroom) | forgot_email | ✅Reset Password | ✅tag: ForgotPassword | ✅custom trigger RESET_PASSWORD | |
Order receipt sent to buyer | order | ✅Placed order | ✅tag: OrderCompleted | ✅ORDER_CREATED | |
Order receipt - Sales rep copy | same as Order receipt | ✅Placed order - Sales Rep | ✅tag: OrderCompleted | same as Order receipt | |
Order confirmation | order_conf | ✅Confirmed Order | ✅tag: OrderPlaced | ORDER_CONFIRMED | |
Order confirmation - Sales rep copy | same as Order confirmation | ✅ Confirmed Order - Sales Rep | ✅tag: OrderPlaced | same as Order confirmatio | |
Order shipped | shipment | ✅Shipped | ✅tag: OrderShipped | ✅ORDER_SHIPPED | |
Order shipped - Sales rep copy | same as Order shipped | ✅Shipped - Sales rep | ✅tag: OrderShipped | same as Order shipped | |
Order shipped - Buyer copy | same as Order shipped | ✅Shipped - Buyer | ✅tag: OrderShipped | same as Order shipped | |
Order cancelled | cancel | ❌ | ❌ | ||
Order refunded | refund | ||||
Invoices | invoice | invoice_email or creditnote_email | ✅Invoice | ✅tag: Invoice | ✅custom trigger: INVOICE |
Currently, our documentation supports only order updates and specific Showroom emails (welcome and password reset). Events for "View Item", "Add to Cart", and "Checkout" are not supported. This clarification addresses frequent inquiries. For any further questions, please reach out!
ESPs Configuration
The entire trigger configuration resides on the Klaviyo side
New Wholesale specific triggers:
- Placed Order - Sales Rep
- Confirmed Order - Sales Rep
- Invoice
- Invoice - Sales Rep
- Shipped - Sales Rep
- Shipped - Buyer
API Key - Place to paste API Key generated in Rule Language selected from - send information about language based on:
- Store Language
- Delivery Country
- Site Language
It only sends information about language, translations, etc are on Rule side.
e.g: Enable buyer registration tag: BuyerRegistred - Enable in this case sending email when the buyer is registered - tag BuyerRegistred is the name of the tag used in Rule to create e.g automated emails
Use a short product name - Send product name without variant name. Product image size - Select the size of the image that is sent Restrict product fields - Products fields that are gonna be send in with “Order” fields, more here
Restrict pricelist/markets/countries/locale - Define where this plugin will be active. If none are selected, it will be available everywhere.
The next email plugin that matches the restricted criteria will be utilized. If none of the email plugins match the restricted criteria, Centra Fallback mails will be used.
Article on how to configure Voyado can find here