
An overview

Creating B2B orders via accounts

Learn how to create B2B orders from Centra for your accounts. An account may wish for you to place an order for them directly. Here is how to do that in the best way.

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B2B orders with multiple delivery windows

Some accounts like to be able to place a lot of orders at once that generally span over multiple delivery windows. You are able to do this on behalf of your account and this article will guide you on how to do that via Centra.

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Creating internal B2B orders

Some orders are for internal use, internal meaning inhouse use. You might use these orders to fulfill marketing campaigns or fill physical locations. Here you will learn how to create internal orders.

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B2B order overview

You need to have an overview of wholesale orders and see key information on an order level, this article will help you understand the data in wholesale orders. Learn more here.

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Adding products to B2B orders

Your accounts may forget to add something to their order during order placement, or you may have products that you wish to give your client in addition to what they've ordered. Here is how you add extra products to orders.

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Change delivery window on placed orders

Accounts make orders based on available delivery windows. They might have used the wrong one but the products are the same, here you will find out how to change a delivery window on an already placed order.

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Expediting B2B orders

Here you will learn how to prepare your order for a shipment. Every order needs to be expedited in order to be available to ship. Learn how to do this in the easiest way.

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Returns in B2B

You can create returns for B2B orders quite easily, this guide will show you the best practice for this.

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Cancel products in B2B orders

Accounts sometimes place an order on too many items, or you may not have expected such high sales for a product, and don't have the supply for the demand so you need to cancel items from orders. Here is the best practice for cancelling products from unshipped orders.

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Creating invoices on B2B shipments

In most cases, B2B orders are paid for via invoices. As the seller you need to provide accounts with invoices based on what was shipped to them so that they can pay for their goods. Here is how you create invoices on shipments in B2B.

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Creating invoices in B2B

Sometimes invoices need to be created manually, based on templates created you can create free-text invoices and this is how you can do that.

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Using payment links in B2B

Payment links allow you to get direct payments based on the invoice totals sent to your customer. This is how you create a payment link for your accounts to pay with.

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Invoice templates in B2B

Invoice templates are needed so that you can display your company's information on PDF documents given to accounts, you can also customize how products will be displayed here. Learn more.

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Merging invoices and credit notes in B2B

It is possible to merge invoices and credit notes for accounts so that instead of having ten unique invoices they only have one to pay. The same can be done for credit notes. Learn how to do this the right way.

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Block if unpaid invoices

The 'Block if unpaid invoices' function in Showroom allows you to block clients from creating orders if they have overdue invoices or simply show information to clients that some invoices are overdue. This article will show you how to set this up.

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External Order Attachments

Introducing a new feature in Centra that allows users to attach any necessary external documents to an order (e.g., external invoices or a PDF catalogue), providing added convenience and flexibility.

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Previous article: Wholesale / B2B